Parts of My Portfolio
Section outline
A guide to components of the portfolio and the requirements.
Individualized Learning Plan (ILP) & Individualized Curriculum Worksheet (ICW)
Both the ILP and Individualized Curriculum are required by the ACGME.
1. Individualized Learning Plan (ILP) and Goals & Objectives in Med Hub The goal is to help you create your personal plan for learning and professional development. You will document these in Med Hub. This must be updated each year.
2. Individualized Curriculum Worksheet (ICW): In 2013, the ACGME required that all residents must be offered a minimum of 6 educational units (ie: blocks) of an individualized curriculum, shaped by each resident's unique learning goals and career plans. We at CNMC have been doing this for years! So, no real extra work on your part other than completing this Individualized Curriculum Worksheet, reviewing it at each Portfolio Advisor Meeting, and updating it annually. Then, upload into MedHub to complete your Promotion Checklist requirement each year. A Community Health Track example is here, a Primary Care Track example is here, and a Categorical Track example is here.
These are not stored in your portfolio. However: Review, reflection, and completion of evaluations in the system is required before every meeting with your portfolio advisor. Teaching evaluations done in distinct settings that are completed on paper may be uploaded separately in your portfolio. You must review those documents should they apply to you.
Structured Clinical Observations (SCO's)
These on-the-fly evaluations are designed to allow supervising residents or attendings a quick tool to evaluate one portion of a patient interaction. You are required to complete at least 4 SCO's per academic year. SCO's can be completed from within MedHub as an on-fly-evaluation, or on paper by printing a blank SCO form. If you choose the blank paper SCO form, it must be scanned and uploaded to your portfolio (Click here to find General Instructions for uploading to MedHub).
1. SCO's in MedHub
2. SCO pdf : download here; find scanning software for your smartphone that can streamline document management.
In-Training Exam (ITE).
This exam is created every year by the American Board of Pediatrics. The purpose is to gauge resident's pediatric knowledge base and predict board passage rates. You will complete one exam every year in July. Scores are typically available in the Fall. When the scores are released there will be an interpretation posted to assist you and your mentors with discussing your results. Of note, the ABP changed the scoring system in 2013 such that a passing score is 180, and maximum score is 300. See above documents for a more detailed explanation.
Procedure Log:
This is list of procedures that you are required to demonstrate proficiency in by the end of your residency.
- Because you need to document competence to graduate,
- Because future employers may request it for credentialing purposes,
- Because it's required by regulatory bodies for the program to maintain accreditation,
- Because we want to provide the best care for our patients.
Aisha Davis produced a detailed guide to completing your procedures on MedHub. This system has vastly improved procedure tracking over the ACGME procedure log in that it allows for residents to identify a supervising provider for the procedure. The supervisor has the opportunity to provide feedback within the procedure log! Refer to the procedure log guide for more information!
Continuity Clinic / Patient Log.
The ACGME requires that residents and their programs provide proof of sufficient outpatient experience. Residents must average a minimum number of patients per outpatient session ( 1 session = 1/2 day = the regular continuity clinic session). The number depends on training level.
- PL-1 : 3
- PL-2: 4
- PL-3: 5
You can create your patient log manually by tracking your patients during each continuity clinic session. The template you should use is here. Screenshot is below. It is advised that you keep this somewhere easily accessible so you can update it at the end of each continuity clinic.
In clinics with an Electronic Health Record, you may be able to create your patient log with the E.H.R. Of note, these logs must then be edited to meet the template standards included in See below the instructions for creating logs for eCW and Vitera Intergy.
You must upload your continuity clinic log once per year, and you must specifically list in the "notes" section how many clinics you have logged, and your average # of patients seen per session. See the step by step instructions here.
Evidence Based Medicine
By the end of residency, you should be able to demonstrate comfort with how to search online databases for evidence based medicine reviews. You are required to complete a EBM journal club work-sheet that satisfies this requirement. It can be used in the following settings where Journal Clubs take place: noon conference, pre-clinic conference, or attending teaching conference led by ward seniors. This requirement should be fulfilled yearly. (3 total for residency) When completed, simply upload the sheet to your portfolio under the drop down option "Evidence Based Medicineā (Click hereto find General Instructions for uploading to MedHub).
Upload the following REACH documents to your portfolio once per year. For PL-2s, upload your REACH Progress Report. For PL-3s, upload your REACH poster and abstract. (Click hereto find General Instructions for uploading to MedHub)
QI Requirement
There are several ways to complete this requirement.
- During Outpatient Clinic: Completion of a QI project during your senior PL-2 or PL-3 months in outpatient clinic, whether it is CHC or the Foggy Bottom Primary Care site. Your rotation director for those sites will coordinate completion of the project, which must include a minimum of one PDSA cycle. Click here for more information about QI Projects and PDSA cycles. Examples of past QI projects will be available soon.
- Your REACH Project: If you REACH project includes a QI focus, it may fulfill this requirement. Check with your project mentor to verify.
- Membership on a MultiDisciplinary Institutional QI Committee: Examples of this include M&M committee.
You must document the option which fulfills the requirement on your portfolio in MedHub using the "Quality Improvement Project" entry from the drop down menu.
Did you know..... QI projects and their completion are new requirement for maintenance of certification (MOC) for board certification. This means that once you've passed your pediatric boards, you will be required to complete a QI project as an attending provider 7 years after you have passed the boards. See the ABP website for more information.
Referral Feedback Form
Complete the Referral Feedback Form under "Teaching Resources" on ResidentBook. These should be completed during continuity clinic with your continuity clinic preceptor regarding appropriate referral to subspecialists and follow up. Two should be completed each year.